Personal activities are very difficult to manage for people living with a disability. Performing personal activities successfully can bring a lot of happiness to people living with a disability. Assistance with personal activities can make an individual’s life more comfortable and easy.

Our team of highly trained staff can assist and supervise you in the personal activities of your life to enable you to live as independently as possible and achieve your goals.

If you are an NDIS participant who has been approved for the core support category, then you can access our services through your NDIS plan.

Our experienced support team will work with you to understand your personal needs, develop support services based on a person-centred approach to achieve your needs, enhance daily activities and fulfil your interests.

Admire care can assist in daily personal activities such as:
  • Assist in mobility and transfers
  • Assist with personal hygiene: bathing, showering, dressing and undressing, grooming, oral hygiene etc.
  • Assist with toileting, bladder and bowel management and menstrual care
  • Assist with attending an event
  • Assist with planning your day
  • Assist with shopping
  • Assist with attending appointments
  • Assist with household tasks, cleaning, gardening, laundry etc.
  • Assist with eating and drinking
  • Assist with meal preparation
  • Assist with the use of aids, communication, hearing, vision etc.
  • Assist with medication, splints, dressings etc.
For more information on how Admire Care can help you find a home that meets your needs, contact us on +61 483 282 061 or email